Saturday, August 14, 2010

This was my look what I can do with my pics. Love the turtle

Various creations de playdoh tea party style by my girls
Multi pose of one shot

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Landscaping and a added reflection picture

These are various outings my family has taken on Taplin Hill the last one is one my stepfather took on a bear hunting adventure.

I wanted to add this to my previous reflection post. This was actually taken by my mom, and it is one of m favorites. Its very magical to be at a sunrise at the beach.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Here are my girls, in staged frames. We went to Elizabeths park and I love the second framed as you can kind of see continuous frames behind and around them.

Here is my rule of thirds picture. I think if I understood that right. It is so true you want everyone to be centered but I found the girls were more focused in the off centered one.

Here is my reflection picture I was talking about in class. The fish were so funny the big guy just followed me wherever I went. I was looking at him and saying "Where have you been all my life?." My friend Kristina says its her favorite as it shows a true Shugga smile!

Light and What is that pics

Here are my four different time frame pictures: I mostly noticed the different hues in everyday light. For instance the late afternoon picture seemed so similar to the morning, but when looking at them together, you can see how dull the trees are in the morning and how more vibrant the trees were in the afternoon.

Late Afternoon

Mid day

Early morning


This is my What is it Pic.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


These are all very random out and about
exploring at the Squam Lake Science Center. I have always loved the innocense and purity of raindrops on the flowers. I did take these with the macro lens.

I saw this one and immedietely got the idea for layering certain pictures, flipping it upside down, and was laughing,just as soon as I figure that out. lol wouldn't that be sweet.


I couldn't resist, its a barred turtle. So cute! I figured out the zoom and used the macro lens.

Really liked this picture.

This picture wasn't really appreciated until on the way home from the trip. I was skimming through and said how did I get that. The window was so dirty so I scooted down and this lil girl was rolling with her toy and flipping it up in the air. She was so happy. I showed this to my friends and they couldn't figure out where she was at first.


My girls and I were having a mani/pedi day and getting ready for the class trip and I looked down where I had asked them to let their feet dry and their it was. Perfect!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 2:

Hello everyone! I can honestly say I am not feeling any confidence at the moment. Trying to figure this all out is extremely challenging. I did figure out how to get my pics on here though lol.

These beautiful cherubs are a spunky bunch they had taken whatever they could find and made a fort. They had a ball for about 3 hours. So proud of their creation. Of course we had to have several poses they choreographed themselves.